Consumer Loans
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Save for those dreams that seem like a distant call by opening a Certificate. A Certificate is a safe way to invest your money for the future. Terms are available from 3 months to 72 months and the longer your term, the higher your interest rate. A minimum deposit of at least $1,000 is required when investing in a Certificate, so this investment is perfect for those big purchases your dream of.
All Certificate dividends are paid monthly. You have the option of dividends compounding within the Certificate or being transferred to another ACFCU account.
Save & Earn with a Certificate from ACFCU.
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*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Early Withdrawal Provisions: We will impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the principal funds before the maturity date. For accounts with a term to maturity equal to or less than 12 months, the penalty imposed will equal 90 days' dividends. For accounts with a term to maturity of 13 months to 36 months, the penalty imposed will equal 180 days' dividends. For accounts with a term to maturity of 37 months to 60 months, the penalty imposed will equal 270 days' dividends. For accounts with a term to maturity of 61 months or greater, the penalty imposed will equal 365 days' dividends.
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